
The Ionian islands called out to the stars…
CORFU. The mayor and other notable Corfiots are performing on Sunday in an event reenacting the functioning of the Ionian Parliament.

΄Le Tablao de Tango΄, 11th SEVEN Festival 2024 …the Ionian Islands festival!
CORFU. At the Old Fortress on Tuesday 23 July at 21:30.

2nd Gathering of Choirs in Benitses
CORFU. At the gathering of choirs, the audience will have the opportunity to enjoy a rich repertoire of well-known and beloved songs by Greek composers, performed by the choral ensembles.

Recital of Lyrical Songs at Ionian Academy
CORFU. A fairytale-like collaboration of piano melody, lyrical singing, and kinetic choreographic expression.

Outdoor performances to be held at Agia Ekaterini this summer
CORFU. The area belonging to the municipality is being prepared to hold performances, with the first being ΄Electra΄ by Sophocles on 28 July.

"Pontian Serenades" at the Old Fortress
CORFU. A theatrical performance focussing on Pontian refugees in Corfu.

Social message through music from Corfu Music School
CORFU. Performance of opera "The Idea" by Gustav Holst.

«Se yon istwa men ansanm» - An interactive performance in the Capodistrias Museum garden
CORFU. Saturday 3 & Sunday 4 July, 11:00-14:00

The Double Rainbow – The Double Harmony in Old Palace gardens
CORFU. On Sunday 20 June for World Music Day. "Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything" Plato.

΄Mantzaros΄ Philharmonic Ensemble perform "Simeron Kremate" online
CORFU. Online performance by ΄Mantzaros΄ Philharmonic Society musicians in Corfu, Athens and Germany.

Lefkada Music School - ΄La vita e bella΄
LEFKADA. In the midst of the lockdown the yougsters remind us of why it΄s happening - to protect our life and the lives of our loved ones is beautiful!

΄Krasodikio΄ (Wine Court) Satire in Old Town Hall Square
CORFU. Tuesday 18 February at 20:30.

Her | A portrait of changes: Extra performances due to popular demand
CORFU. Following tremendous response from the public Garage Performing Arts Center is putting on another two performances.

"Corfu ΄Paroles΄ (words) and Traditional Songs" in Afra
CORFU. Afra Educational & Cultural Society is organizing a musical event on Sunday 24 March.

Applications now being accepted for the Arts Programme 2018-19 at the Municipal Theatre
CORFU. Corfu DIPETHE (Municipal Theatre) has announced that it is now accepting applications for the Arts Programme 2018-19.

Xsociety: performance by Sophia Bardoutsou at Polytechno
CORFU. As part of the lesson ΄Composition and Performing Arts II΄ Sophia Bardoutsou΄s mixed media performance ΄Xsociety΄ addresses the subject of communication in today΄s plethora of social media.

΄Step to Step΄ dance school annual performance at the Municipal Theatre
CORFU. The ΄Step to Step΄ dance school is putting on its annual performance.